He started humbly but with a grand plan: To share his love of the open ocean and sport fishing trips out of the Merrimack River targeting inshore and offshore fish. End of Story. Captain John will fish in Salisbury, Newburyport, Ipswich, Plum Island, Hampton NH, Jeffreys Ledge, and Isle of Shoals. Wherever the fish are is where he goes.
He started humbly but with a grand plan: To share his love of the open ocean and sport fishing trips out of the Merrimack River targeting inshore and offshore fish. End of Story. Captain John will fish in Salisbury, Newburyport, Ipswich, Plum Island, Hampton NH, Jeffreys Ledge, and Isle of Shoals. Wherever the fish are is where he goes... Captain John has been an avid hunter/fisherman for over 30 years, specializing in striper, tuna, shark, and ground fishing. He is a member and treasurer of the Northeast Charterboat Captain's Association. www.northeastcharterboatcaptainsassociation.com He just can't get enough of fishing charters!
The Parkhurst Charters secret? An unrelenting love for the ocean and seeing the smile on your face when you catch a giant striper or 10 foot shark. Between those two, we think we pretty much have an awesome day of fishing covered. You might even find yourself laughing uncontrollable as our Captain finds the humor in most any situation.
Let's get you hooked! Pun intended. So give Parkhurst Charters a call and lets start planning your day!